Jodie Emery for MLA
Candidate for Vancouver-West End – May 14th provincial election
Candidate for Vancouver-West End – May 14th provincial election
If you would like to support my election campaign, I really appreciate your consideration! Money is necessary to get the BC Green Party message seen and heard. Your donation will go towards printing election campaign handouts, signs and buttons to let people know they can vote for me as the BC Green Party candidate on Tuesday, May 14th.
With enough financial support, pamphlets can be printed and mailed to every voter in Vancouver West-End. If you're interested in contributing to that effort, please send a donation to my campaign in any of the following ways:
(Please review the donation guidelines posted at the bottom of this page!)
"The Campaign To Elect Jodie Emery"
307 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
You don't have to be a BC resident to donate to BC's provincial election campaigns.
Anyone can donate, from anywhere in the world! See the rules below.
Note: Tax credit receipts can only be issued to BC residents for donations made after April 16th.
Cheques can be post-dated to April 16th in order to contribute and receive a tax credit receipt.
Thanks to provincial tax credits, BC residents pay only a small portion of their total donation. For example, $100 costs you just $25! See the chart below for details.
These guidelines are from Elections BC:
Who cannot make political contributions?
- charitable organizations (see definition below)
- federal political parties or electoral district associations registered under the Canada Elections Act, or
- unregistered political parties or constituency associations
A charitable organization includes any organization whose objectives are the relief of poverty; advancement of education or religion; protection of health; governmental or municipal purposes, and other purposes beneficial to the community. This definition applies whether or not the organization is a registered charity for income tax purposes.
This means charitable organizations are not permitted to purchase tickets to fundraising functions or events held on behalf of political parties, constituency associations, candidates or contestants and may not reimburse or refund any person for tickets purchased.
Contribution limits:
Other than for cash contributions and anonymous contributions, there are no contribution limits. Any individual or organization, other than the three types listed above, can make a political contribution of any amount.
Cash contributions:
- must be $100 or less
Contributions by cheque and money order:
- must be signed by the contributor
- must have the contributor’s name legibly shown, and
- cheques must be from the contributor’s bank account
Credit card contributions:
- must be made with the contributor’s credit card
Debit or other electronic transfer contributions:
- must be from the contributor’s bank account
Find more election finance information at Elections BC